
TG Caption This: The Appetite Of A Library Girl!

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The library is a nice place that Alex loves to visit very often. The library is peaceful and quiet, compared to the rest of the town. Outsider the library, he often gets bullied and mocked by the cool kids. This made Alex afraid of talking to people. The library is like a haven for Alex, since it doesn’t tolerate those who make a lot of noises. Besides, Alex love checking out and reading lots of books, with genres like fantasy, science fiction, historical, etc.

Once the boy gathered a few books from the fantasy/adventure section to check out, he headed over to the book cart by the employees only room. Some of the books on the cart were yet to be sorted to the proper shelves. As he looked, Alex notices a pink-covered book sitting on top of the book cart. He looked at it, seeing some golden letters on the front cover, which spells “Tales of the Boy who Transformed into Girls” Alex felt curious about its contents . Thus, he decided to take that book to the study room area of the library. which consists of a set of smalls room that drowns out the noises outside.

After setting his stuff down in one of the rooms, he opens the book and started read its pages. “All Girls Tennis Club,” he said as he summarizes that chapter of the book, “A boy gets turned into a girl after losing a tennis match over a bet.” “This is inter “Then, Alex read the following chapter, which reads “A Ride On The School Girl’s Bus”. “A male student gets turned into a girl after boarding a bus full of female students,” said the bookish boy as he recaps that chapter. “I like this story too,” he comment. After he reads the next chapter, which is “Turned Into A Little Sister, he summarizes its plot, “A mean big brother who picks on his younger sister gets turned into a girl and becomes her little sibling.”

“Wow, these chapter about boys turning into girls are amazing,” commented Alex as he feels astonished to read the stories from the book. Then, he noticed that one of its pages have been bookmarked by a pink sticky note. So he turned towards a page, which featured an illustration of a boy transforming into a girl. Below the picture is a text of some runes that Alex couldn’t decipher. Fortunately, the sticky note showed him how to translate said runes into English. Therefore, Alex started examined the rune text and read outloud, “Take my identity of being a boy, and make me into a girl for me to enjoy”.

Suddenly, the pages of the book begin to flip sideways a whirlwind appeared out of nowhere and surrounds Alex. Something strange started to happen to him as his body shrank from a 6’0 to a 4’9. His hair turned from brown to dark blue while it grew down to his back. Some of the strands of his new hair were tied into twintails by a pair of small red orb-like hair decorations. Noticing that his hair is changing as it being blown by the wind, Alex panicked, saying, “What’s wrong with my hair?” Then he realized that his voice sounds high-pitched as his Adam’s Apple disappeared from her throat. Her face changed shape, turning round and smooth. with the nose became smaller. As his eyes turned from blue to violet it became wider. Then, her body hair quickly vanished from the surface of her skin. Her muscles decreased, with her arms and legs became slender.

As Alex (Alice) is frightened by her transformation, she felt even more uncomfortable seeing as she saw a pair of lumps pushing from her chest beneath her shirt and jacket. Then, her rear grew bigger as her male pole shrink and disappeared from her body. “Oh no! <y male thing is gone,” panicked Alex. Next, her clothes started to change as her dark blue shirt turned into a long-sleeved, turtleneck sweater. Her jeans shrank, morphing into a matching skirt. His jacket reshape itself into a tan-yellow, button-down sailor uniform. Something that a school girl would wear. With that, the wind stopped.

Alice, formerly Alex, was shy about her new girly appearance. “Did this book really turned me into a girl?” Alice spoke, but she startled herself upon hearing herself speaking like a girl. After a moment of silence, she said to herself. “I just recently started to like stories where boys are turned into girls. But I didn’t actually want be turned into a girl. Oh, what am I gonna do?” As she felt nervous of the fact that she was now a girl, Alice heard an intercom turning on outside in the library hall. “Attention, everyone. It is 5:50 PM. The library will be closing in 10 minutes. Please leave as soon as possible, and make sure you check out the books that you need. Have a nice day.” Alice looks at the“Tales of the Boy who Transformed into Girls” book, thinking, ”Oh no. I don’t have time to finish this book. I’ll just take it home with me. Maybe there’s something in here that’ll change me back.”So the girl stacks the TG book among the other books she intended to check out. Next, Alice exited the study room area while carrying her books with both hands.

Then, as she walked downstairs where the front desk is, she tripped on the last few steps of the staircase and fell to the ground, scattering her books across the library floor in the process. Once Alice got back up, she noticed a tall teenage boy approaching her. He had orange hair, blue eyes, and red-framed glasses. Then, the boy asked Alice, “Are you alright, miss?” “No, I’m not alright,” replied Alice. Then, she blushed upon seeing the boy’s face. Her first thought about the boy is, ”This boy is so handsome. I think I like him.” She suddenly felt shock the fact that she’s beginning to have feelings for a boy she never met before. “May I help you pick up the books you’ve dropped,” asked the boy. “I’m Oliver.” “Umm, sure,” replied Alice in a tone indicating that she loves the boy at first sight. As she and Oliver picked up the former’s books, Alice is thinking, “Is this love at first sight!? I can’t like a boy, I’m a girl. Wait, that can’t be right!” Then, Oliver hands the remaining books to the girl, saying “Here are your books, miss. I haven’t got your name yet.” “I’m Alice,” she responded in a happy expression, “And thank you for helping me, Oliver.”
Based on a previous theme of Turn-Into-A-Girl.

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